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January 21, 2004
freeform jam with 22-drunkenstuporbig-unedited
freeform jam with biderman
January 19, 2004
freeform jam with biderman
January 12, 2004
freeform jam with longwithbren
mobile update
January 11, 2004

stood up by my brother...


freeform jam with brenandoishere

January 6, 2004
So I think I'm getting addicted to coffee. which is OK, thus far,
though I think my dentist is going to give me a hard time. Just sometimes
after a part of a day of working but focusing a lot, I get sorta out of
it and my head starts hurting, but a cup or two of coffee seems to bring
be back to normal... anyway...

Put together a Jesusonic 0.97 release. Mostly just little updates. Started
playing around with making a random intelligent drum sequencer, but didn't
get it to the point of being useful yet.

Went to lucky chances to play some poker (NL holdem cash game) last night 
with Biderman... did pretty well, had a good combination of luck and not 
making too many mistakes. Fun stuff, need to go do it more. I seem to have
the "partysong" which should be titled "new year" or something like that 
(from my last post) stuck in my head. kinda good, the song's a bit too long
and drawn out tho, and a bit chaotic at times, but has a very strange effect
on me... it's not quite sad, not quite happy, just sort of is. 

happy new years, eh?
January 5, 2004
Woo, spent new years in NYC, going home tomorrow. Yay for WA5, 
it really turned out great. We should have 5.02 ready in the next week
or two.

mobile update
January 3, 2004

waiting outside the theater for my woman so we can g3t d1nn3r

mobile update
January 3, 2004

mmm breakfast this morning -- the cornbread and apple sauce was sadly 
the best part.

mobile update
January 1, 2004

subwaying back to brooklyn

mobile update
January 1, 2004

such big buildings here

mobile update
January 1, 2004

whee new years in nyc... union square

December 16, 2003
Woo, finally launch[ed,ing]. I read the news.com article about this, and I'd 
just like to mention that Brennan and Aus played extremely important roles
in the development and launch of Winamp 5, and we greatly appreciate 
everything they contributed. And we'll miss working with them :/

mobile update
December 14, 2003

sittin in phx airport

in the boonies
December 12, 2003
Ah relaxing in AZ. Missing my girl, had good dreams about kissing her last
night... It's been a very very good 4 years. 

Monday (the 15th) we're gonna launch wa5. woot.

bla bla software bla bla
December 10, 2003
OK so to clear up any confusion, WA5 should be out sometime in the near
future. Soon. Steve says Dec 15 now, haha. But seriously, just a few issues
that someone really screwed the pooch on getting done in time, and should
be taken care of soon. Brennan and Aus are no longer with us, an they will
be missed, but Winamp will be OK. :/

christmas album
December 7, 2003
It's the holidays, and some of us here (Jonathan, Denny, Christophe and I)
decided to make a Christmas album of classic Christmas songs (since we all 
seem to celebrate Christmas to some extent).

A Very Nullsoft Christmas

There's a bit of variety in there, so if you listen to one, you should listen
to all. ha ha.

December 5, 2003
Fritz is in town, and we've been terribly productive.
Oh my god. My favorite song ever.

I know I said Dec 4 a bit back, but bla bla any week now..

December 4, 2003
freeform jam with morefritz
December 3, 2003
freeform jam with fritz
insomnia for dummies
December 2, 2003
Couldn't sleep. Tried for a bit. *sigh*
Tempted to just say fuck it and stay up til I pass out. Would want to drive
to the shop and mix down some leet jam material from today.. dave newton came
over with his sax, mmm..


freeform jam with wifshawn

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