December 21, 2005
Did 80% of envelopes for REAPER last night. Just gotta finish off some UI elements for it, and add non-linear curve support (though most of the legwork is done). I think I know how busses will be done, too.
Finally, here's a pretty interesting mp3 someone made, apparently using samples
from NINJAM sessions.
Here is an mp3 I made today while testing it (the project in the picture is the project).
The v0.5 preview release should be ready within 2 weeks. The main big features that are not done yet are envelopes and busses, and there a lot of small features planned that are not in yet, but having said that, it's coming along very nicely and there's already a lot of great features and customizability.
Some features added since the first update on this that are especially nice:
+ DirectX plug-in support
+ peak building on the fly when recording (no more waiting after long recordings to build peaks)
+ media item segment looping (so you don't have to actually create a new file to make a loop of a part of another file)
+ you can arm/dearm recording for channels during playback (soon you will be able to while recording)
+ you can change channel recording sources while recording
+ plug-in architecture
+ dynamic audio generation capabilities, i.e. "click track" item.
+ you can use mp3 (VBR even) and OGG (multi-stream even) files directly in your projects
+ I updated NINJAM's cliplogcvt so that it can output to the REAPER project file format directly, making it very easy to use REAPER to edit/remix NINJAM sessions.
And of course, the most of the more standard features one would expect are done, such as:
+ High quality 64bps processing (though higher quality resampling modes still need to be finished)
+ Unlimited undo/redo support
+ Item fades
+ Snapping
+ Automatic crossfades
+ Selection loop support
Stay tuned. If you do some creative URL modifying, you can get a tasty treat.
Flew a new collective pitch R/C heli for the first time today, woot. It's really amazing how the technology has come along since I was a teenager. Also, Brennan got me RealFlight G3 for an early christmas present, and it's pretty awesome (aside from the complaints I do have, it's a tremendous amount of fun).
Brennan and Biderman and I had a nice jam today. It's so much fun, especially when we are
able to pay attention to what everybody else is doing and adapt and coordinate stuff. Coffee
seems to help a ton, too. In general, finding myself more able to play lots of different
things is very satisfying and fun..
freeform jam with brenbiderman
Now I know, there are many products that fall into this category, ranging from crappy open source to not so crappy open source (requiring linux) to crappy closed source to super insanely expensive hardware-dongled closed source. So why am I writing yet another editor? Because I'm making something that fits the category of being exactly what I want to use. It's mostly like Vegas (without the video capability), but with features that I always wish Vegas had.
I will be posting some alpha builds soon, but in general I haven't decided on how to release it. I'm really tempted to do some nag-free shareware again. At the very least it will have very sensible public plug-in APIs that make it easy to extend, and maybe it'll go open source too, I don't know. We'll see. For now, here's an image:
There's a lot to do, which I'm excited about, but it's already quite usable, and already does things well that other software I've used does poorly. But now, I need to go do everything else. Fun fun fun. Stay tuned, I'll be posting the alphas in here, and hopefully a v0.9 beta type release by Christmas. The biggest obstacle I face is DirectX and VST plug-in support, since the APIs for hosting them seem to be a pain (well, DirectX, anyway, I haven't looked at the VST hosting API yet) . At the moment I just have Jesusonic integrated, which is super easy (since it has a reasonable API that doesn't require the disgusting monster that is DirectShow). Keep an eye on the comments of this article if you are interested, I'll likely just post links in there...
Finally, NINJAM users, expect a new release of the Windows client in the not too distant future,
with some of the improvements to the audio system I've been making for this. Specifically,
increasing the accuracy of the timing of the recorded loops (currently it's not too far off but
it could be a lot better).
Also, I updated PathSync a few days ago, with an option to help deal with daylight savings time anomalies.
The video from the show is up, currently in three formats (CAUTION: if you lack a sense of humor your probably don't want to watch these): high quality xvid/mp3 AVI, low quality xvid/mp3 AVI, and as a flash video on youtube. Thanks to Newton and Penny for videotaping it.
Overall it went pretty decently, we all fucked up a fair amount, but nothing too catastrophic. Forgot to play a Led Zeppelin cover, though.
Anyway, here's a new topic. Friday night we're playing at the Cherry Bar on Folsom in SF, going on around 10:30 or so I think, in case anybody wants to come by. I don't know why I'd mention it here, since the three people who read this are most likely geographically and/or spatially challenged.
A little burnt out on the portable console hacking-- primarily because of things that are really hard to debug (for one, it seems that if I do an uncached write (the second to top bit of the address set) to memory, then soon after do an uncached read, it doesn't get the updated value. Which complicates things... The whole process of building, copying, running, repeat is a pain too. Anyway.
Get to move my work space soon, going to get a bunch of bandwidth at the new location, too. Yum.
And after this weekend, we'll have to get practicing for our show.
Speaking of music, got a fretless mexican fender jazz bass. So tasty. It has lines on it,
thankfully, so it's not too hard to play, just gotta pay more attention. Here's a little mp3 of me testing it out on NINJAM.
Funny how different tastes can be.. When I've seen Dungen live, I liked the album songs fine, but the instrumental freakout jams with flutes and everything were JUST INSANELY GOOD. They would stop playing at the end, and I'd want more. MORE!
In other news, I did some more flights of my R/C plane, and recorded this video. I can feel the novelty wearing off (of the video aspect), I wonder how long until I am flying and not videotaping it... Oh yeah, here's my self portrait...
Let's see, what else? I fixed the sustain pedal on the Rhodes I got, seems one of the pins holding the long thing that pushes the dampers down was missing, so I just cut a bolt to fit and reinstalled, and it works like a charm. Woot. Tsk tsk Darren or whatever your name was for selling me this without the sustain rod, so I wouldn't know (just kidding I'm sure he didnt know anyway).
OK so here's something that might actually be interesting to people who read this: I'm planning on GPLing Jesusonic. It's about that time (if anybody has any question as to why I would choose the GPL instead of a BSD license, see my previous article).
Finally, here's a little (extremely rough) take of a song that Dave Wiener and I made back in August, using a poorly maintained (but still lovely) grand piano.