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Back to my roots
January 22, 2010

CRTs, MHz, megabytes, and Linux. Making usable boxes from junk, to donate.


January 21, 2010
freeform jam with newt
January 19, 2010
freeform jam with brennewtchr
January 15, 2010
brenchr - 1 -- [7:17]
brenchr - 2 -- [20:27]
Today I found this out
January 10, 2010
(after spending much of the day banging my head against the wall)
#include <stdio.h>
struct test1 {  double b; };
struct test2 { int a; test1 b; };
test2 foo;
int main() 
  printf("%d\n",(int)&foo.b.b - (int)&foo);
  return 0;
What does this print? On Windows, it prints 8. On OS X (or linux), it prints 4. Which means, if you access foo.b.b a lot, it will be slow. UGH. I guess that's why there's -malign-double for gcc. Now if I can just figure out how to enable that for Xcode...


freeform jam with brennewtnoj


January 6, 2010
freeform jam with brennewtnoj
January 4, 2010
freeform jam with brenchr
Happy New Year!
January 2, 2010
Woohoo! Recommended listening/viewing (apologies for so much Jason Lytle fanaticism).

1 Comment

Good cat in the city
December 31, 2009

On 28th street and 6th, fall 2009


Xmas eve coffee. It helps.
December 24, 2009

1 Comment

December 22, 2009
freeform jam with chr
December 19, 2009
I wish I could provide as good a present to the world this Christmas as this:

Jason Lytle's "Merry Xmas 2009" :)

I'm listening now, very happily.

Edit: updated the URL. mmm I cant wait for his next album too.

December 11, 2009
freeform jam with brennewt
December 8, 2009
freeform jam with newt
December 7, 2009
freeform jam with chr
My previously mentioned new program, SnapEase, is now available with source!


good times
November 23, 2009

england, earlier this year


an old photo
November 22, 2009

I took this in 2000, on slide film.. but here it is, processed and uploaded with snapease heh (testing it)


November 21, 2009

I spent the better part of this week working on a new program called "SnapEase" (credit to Al for the name).

I've found myself having a bunch of digital photos and wanting to post them online. SnapEase lets you import your photos (or folders), then nondestructively (and very quickly) crop, rotate, desaturate, rename, and/or remove the images from the list. Once you have your list the way you like it, you can have it automatically resize and save the images to disk or upload to the web. In this initial version the upload is just a generic HTTP POST thingy (with example script), but I'm intending to add support for Flickr and F***B***.

Updated: Released w/ source, link is www.cockos.com/snapease!

P.S. thanks to WhiteTie for the artwork and logo!


A show I saw in August
November 13, 2009


Video was taken using an iPhone 3GS, and the audio using a Zoom H2, then I stuck em together, mmm. There's another video on the YT from the same show, too...

Speaking of other people I love and would likely stalk if I wasn't lazy/busy/shy:

Jason Lytle

I saw you at The Independent last month, and while I was disappointed that you were opening (rather than the main), I was completely enchanted with your set. Even without the full band you had previously at Cafe du Nord. As my friend Dave and I were leaving to walk home while the main act was playing, we saw you outside, and I resisted the urge to give you a hug and all of the money I had in my pocket. ***** redacted for my own good***** ok I've made enough of a fool out of myself.

November 9, 2009
freeform jam with brennewtchr
November 8, 2009
newtbider - 1 -- [12:35]
newtbider - 2 -- [51:20]
November 2, 2009
brennewtnoj - 1 -- [4:17]
brennewtnoj - 2 -- [29:36]
Mmm I love America(nos)
October 29, 2009

Stumptown, mmm. I still miss Blue Bottle when I'm in NY.
(that's the Empire State Building in the reflection)

1 Comment

October 28, 2009
freeform jam with brennewtnoj
WDL, Jetpacks, etc
October 21, 2009
First off, I'm still waiting for my jetpack. Ahem! Any day now...

We write a lot of code, and when we find parts that are sensible to reuse, we tend to make them part of WDL (pronounced W-D-L or "whittle"). WDL includes a bunch of stuff, but what we strive for is to make it easy to just use a little bit of (aka get hooked on) WDL. One of my favorite parts of WDL is LICE, the Lightweight Image Composition Engine.

I've made available a simple Jetpack game that I made a couple of years ago for Allison's nephew. The source is included. Download here (win32), and it'll need the latest WDL to compile if you wish to compile it. Rob[o[tron]] of Underhill Amps made the music.


brennewt - 1 -- [25:43]
brennewt - 2 -- [12:41]

1 Comment

October 18, 2009
freeform jam with chr
what's the point?
October 17, 2009
I usually just complain here, which isn't really good for me, or the 5 people who read it. Here is the first (of hopefully a few) somewhat constructive update:

This one took a bit to track down. Here is a crash trace, so that if anybody out there googles for it, they will find this post:

If you use NSMenuItem directly and assign a submenu to it using [parentMenu setSubmenu:forItem:], be sure to use [parentMenu setSubmenu:nil forItem:...] before releasing the NSMenuItem or parentMenu.

It appears that there's some internal system cache of NSMenuItems (for keyboard shortcuts etc), and simply removing the menu item doesnt invalidate that cache, which can cause random crashes on some systems, though it might be fixed for 10.6.

OS X, continued.
October 17, 2009
I know I said I wasn't going to complain, and it's moot anyway since we use ICC on OS X now, but why can't you target 10.4 with GCC-LLVM? *cry*.

I've spent so much time on getting everything nice on OS X, for REAPER v3.13. I think it's paying off. Schwa says "it is like walking through mud." I tend to agree -- it's 95% "ugh" and 5% "woot". To be fair I'm sure Win32 was similar for me, back in the day, but I guess I didn't have much of an alternative (before that I had done some Xlib stuff that was not particularly enjoyable).

Windows 7
October 17, 2009
I'm not one to shill, I try to avoid wearing t-shirts with logos on them (except maybe when patching my roof).. And I know Microsoft is doing some strange things in marketing, but I have to say that Windows 7 is really awesome. On newer, decent multicore systems, I am finding it vastly superior to XP. Congrats, MS. I found installing it on the my eeepc (upgraded ram to 2gb) worked. Only (?) took about 10gb of disk.

If you have a ReadyNAS, you might need to set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa LmCompatibilityLevel = 2 to let you access it via SMB.


October 14, 2009
freeform jam with brennewt
October 7, 2009
freeform jam with brennewtchr
September 30, 2009
brennewt - 1 -- [5:07]
brennewt - 2 -- [52:00]
September 28, 2009
brenchrnewtadara - 1 -- [37:15]
brenchrnewtadara - 2 -- [55:09]
September 25, 2009
freeform jam with brenchradara
September 24, 2009
freeform jam with brenadara
freeform jam with chradara
September 23, 2009
freeform jam with brennewt-noj
September 17, 2009
wienerstack - 1 -- [5:36]
wienerstack - 2 -- [5:48]
wienerstack - 3 -- [8:03]
wienerstack - 4 -- [5:27]
wienerstack - 5 -- [21:43]
September 16, 2009
freeform jam with brennewt-noj
September 9, 2009
brennewtchr - 1 -- [62:10]
brennewtchr - 2 -- [9:53]
September 7, 2009
freeform jam with brenchr
WTF OS X you can suck it
September 3, 2009
This should work: It works if I replace the "t" with "q", etc. wtf.

Edit: ahh, a system item added to the edit menu takes it. bleh.


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