The error is pretty low for the first few cycles, though after a bit it does drift in relation to the correct wave. I'm not going to spend too much more time on this, but if anybody wants to see if there's some way to correct it, go for it (it may just be rounding error, though, of course).
Here is the code:
// setup:
double cos_sc = PI/period_samples; // PI/n for a period of n
double pos=0; // actually sin(initial_state), 1 for cos(), 0 for sin()
double vel=1/cos_sc; // actually cos(initial_state)/cos_sc, 0 for cos(),1/cos_sc for sin()
double tmp = cos_sc*cos_sc;
double tmp2 = 1.0/(1.0+tmp);
double mul1 = (1.0-tmp)*tmp2;
double mul2 = tmp*2.0*tmp2;
// per-sample calculation
double output_value=pos;
// double cosine_output = vel*cos_sc;
// iterate to next sample
double newpos = pos*mul1 + vel*mul2;
vel -= (pos+newpos);
pos = newpos;
Posted by Justin on Wed 01 Oct 2008 at 13:02 from 64.81.54.x
Posted by Tim on Thu 09 Oct 2008 at 08:54 from 128.193.152.x
Posted by Nolan Eakins on Fri 10 Oct 2008 at 18:02 from 98.222.193.x
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