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Unauthorized Addition
February 13, 2011
I recorded some drums to the audio from this video, and sent it to the author, but the author hasn't responded, and to the best I can tell, hasn't listened to the mp3. So I'm posting it here:

Chris Jeffries - I think I'm Alive (drums added).

My preference for what happens is:

  1. the original author notices and does not mind.
  2. the original author does not notice
  3. the original author notices and minds
  4. the original author does not notice and minds

That is all.


Posted by Sibben on Fri 18 Feb 2011 at 15:17 from 217.174.67.x

The fourth alternative is purely hypothetical.

Posted by Thomas on Sun 17 Nov 2013 at 02:46 from 130.243.190.x

I stumbled across your blog, and this post, after reading your Q&A at Gearslutz. This song is really good without drums, but the added drums made it even better. Thank you, and keep up the good coding! / A fellow coder.

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