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power consumption
April 12, 2011
I wonder what the total number of kW hours required to say, run the Apollo 11 mission. One factor would be in the fuel required, but I also mean in running the whole operation, manufacturering components, running control rooms, processing fuel, moving the rockets around, etc etc.

Which brings me to the fact that I just got a "Kill-A-Watt", after reading this blog post. I haven't tested everything yet (nor will I ever hah), but here are the results for the things I have: The biggest thing that struck me is that my laptop, under normal use conditions, is using less power than desktop's monitor ALONE. Wow. I'll test more things soon, I get to reboot once again to remove the Kill-A-Watt from my desktop now.

*I should also mention that this laptop is really wonderful, despite lacking home/end/pgup/pgdown keys, which makes me sad. It weighs only 3LBs, and is fast (i7 dual core, 4 threads, goes up to 3.2ghz or so in singlecore mode automatically), and even has an optical drive built in.
1 Comment:

Posted by Matthew N on Wed 13 Apr 2011 at 16:06 from 173.165.138.x

The fun part is now where you work your average power consumption out in "lightbulbs", e.g. the amount of power consumed by a 100W light bulb (which is, coincidentally, about 100W).

Your desktop and monitor is 2 1/4 lightbulbs. Call the power company and ask them you want your bills to come measured in "metric lightbulbs".

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