justin = {main feed , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
oh dear
January 20, 2017
where has the time gone? HNY and stuff.

I was honored to be asked to open for the Silver Sound Showdown festival at the Brooklyn Bowl this year. It was an amazing experience. I used the following tools:

The performance was completely improvised, and while it has quite a few rough spots there are at least a few nice bits in there.

Here's a video (shot with a Contour Roam 2 pointed at my blurred-out crotch, and mixed with the audio recorded by REAPER itself):

Muchas gracias to Silver Sound for having me and to everybody who came out to see the show! Woohoo! Let's not talk about what happened today.


not enough recovery
1 Comment:

Posted by Tale on Sun 22 Jan 2017 at 04:07 from 77.170.68.x

Very cool!

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