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Ah, Big Sur
March 22, 2021
This most recent (as of this blog post) macOS update (and new architecture) has raised a number of issues with REAPER development -- I'm documenting them here in hopes of it being useful to someone:

There were other things that came up that aren't as interesting. When launching Audio MIDI Setup.app, the new path is /System/Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI Setup.app rather than /Applications, for example. Apple likes to change the appearance of NSTableViews and then provide ways to get them partially back to their previous style, but not all the way. Stuff like that... Dealing with macOS updates and compatibility is really not enjoyable. So tiring. Though the x87 vs SSE thing isn't their fault -- no x86_64 system has ever not had SSE...

Posted by hukl on Wed 28 Apr 2021 at 14:15 from 91.64.45.x

I recently acquired a MacMini M1, which blows me away on so many levels but of course I was worried that my elaborate, reaper centric workflow might not work for a few months but quite the contrary - everything, including intel vsts runs silky smooth so far. Huge thank you for being on top of this!

Posted by maralatho on Mon 03 May 2021 at 16:52 from 98.185.249.x

Wondering if your use of intel VSTs includes any Waves v12 VST3s, which is what I mostly use. I'm using a 2012 Intel Mini, and have been considering upgrading to an M1 Mini, but my concern has been that since Reaper and my plugins will be emulated for a while, performance might tank. It's actually quite good now on this old hardware, even though I'm using a 4k display and am running Catalina.

Posted by Justin on Tue 04 May 2021 at 17:50 from 71.167.52.x

I haven't tested Waves on the M1, but x86_64 plug-ins that use SSE rather than x87 all seem to be quite fast. And I think all sane plug-ins should use SSE on x86_64.

Posted by Tao Stein on Thu 14 Oct 2021 at 23:20 from 1.36.185.x

Thanks for all your hard work on Reaper. Great system !

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