I've been recording 1-3 hour (occasionally longer) sessions of music and posting them to the
internet as bigass .mp3 files for about 15 years now. As the quality of the music has steadily
icnreased, I've also been looking at ways of making it more accessible (very few people can
commit to listening to 2 hours of a single mp3). So after the last session, I thought it would
be nice to mix it into individual tracks, naming them as I edit the session.
What I determined was that individual tracks were great! I thought about it some more and
decided I could have both, generating the bigass mp3 files and indexing them (much as
brainal.org does, but more intelligently. And then I
realized I could parse the .RPP (REAPER project file) projects from the last 12 years or so,
and generate a list of songs (from places where it was clear everything was edited) for each
session. It doesn't work totally reliably, as there are plenty of places where two or three
songs flow into eachother. But that's OK.
Anyway, so you might have noticed on this page the full jam links have been replaced with
individual song/supersong links. We've been going through naming them as appropriate.
The other nice thing about this is that we can pull these feeds into our band websites...