May 10, 2011

I like analog clocks.
1 Comment
Chris Jeffries - I think I'm Alive (drums added).
My preference for what happens is:
That is all.
After seeing this ad, I had a lot of questions for HSBC:
First, would it still be 100,000 Euros after the fantastic gold market crash of 2011, which would have to happen once it was known that all of the gold from beneath the ocean was now available?
Having sorted that, suppose you did give everyone on earth 100,000 Euros.
I can imagine so many scenarios:
There's a certain satisfaction I get from perl that I don't really get from other languages. There's something about the density that makes it quite readable, at least for the author. Here's a script I wrote to automatically add a new build configuration, based on an existing build configuration, with some modifications, to a given .dsp (VC6 project file):
#!/usr/bin/perl $sp = "Win32 Release"; $np = "Win32 Nitpicker"; $spd="Release"; $npd="Nitpicker"; $spdir="/Release/"; $npdir="/Nitpicker/"; $libfile = "../../nitpicker/libcmt_nitpick.lib"; while (<>) { chomp; s/\r$//; s/\n$//; print $_ . "\r\n"; if (/^!ELSEIF .*$sp".*$/ || /^!IF .*$sp".*$/) { s/^!IF/!ELSEIF/; s/$sp/$np/; @nc = ($_); while (<>) { chomp; s/\r$//; s/\n$//; if (/^!/) { my $tmp=$_; foreach (@nc) { s/$spd/$npd/g; s/$spdir/$npdir/g; if (/^# ADD BASE CPP/) { s/\/Z\S *//; s/\/YX *//; s/\/FR *//; s/\/FD *//; s/$/ \/FR \/FD \/Zi/; } if (/^# ADD CPP/) { s/\/Z\S *//; s/\/M\S *//; s/\/O\S *//; s/\/FR *//; s/\/FD *//; s/$/ \/FR \/FD \/Zi \/MT \/Ot \/Og \/D "DEBUG_TIGHT_ALLOC"/; } if (/^# ADD LINK32/) { s/^# ADD LINK32 /# ADD LINK32 $libfile /; s/\/debug *//; s/\/out:/\/nodefaultlib:"LIBCMT" \/out:/; s/$/ \/debug/; } if (/^# ADD BASE LINK32/) { s/\/debug *//; s/\/map *//; s/\/dll /\/dll \/debug /; s/$/ \/fixed:no/; } print $_ . "\r\n"; } print $tmp; last; } print $_ . "\r\n"; push(@nc,$_); } } if (/^!MESSAGE.*$sp".*$/ || /^# Name ".*$sp" *$/) { s/$sp/$np/; print $_ . "\r\n"; } }In case anybody is interested, Nitpicker is something we've been working on that is similar to Electric Fence or other memory debuggers, but better suited for our workflow/design/etc. We'll probably GPL it once it matures.